Dear subscribers,
I hope 2020 is treating you well! Since our last update, we’ve been working on a variety of meetings and conference sessions. Here are the highlights.
#bioPreprints2020: Building trust in preprints
On January 20 and 21, 2020, over 30 representatives from preprint servers, publishers, funders, and organizations working on standards, indexing, and metadata infrastructure gathered at EMBL-EBI to develop ambitious but achievable recommendations for metadata and processes that would improve the discoverability, reuse, and interoperability of preprints in the life and biomedical sciences. Read a summary of the event, check out pre-meeting blog posts by COPE and NISO, view the agenda and attendees, see Naomi’s opening presentation, and stay tuned as the participants develop outputs from the breakout groups.
Review Commons update: first Refereed Preprint and community meetings
Review Commons is a new collaboration between EMBO and ASAPbio offering peer review before journal submission. We celebrated the posting of its first Refereed Preprint on February 4, and discussed motivations, strategy, and future plans at two community meetings in December. Read the highlights of the discussion and watch the presentations.
Preprints I/O, ASCB, and FORCE11
Also in December, we helped CZI organize a workshop about the technologies and innovations that preprints can enable. Read a report from Preprints I/O. Two meeting attendees, Humberto Debat and Richard Abdill, created a tool called Panlingua to enable readers to search for preprints in their native languages, which they explain in greater detail in a blog post.
In recent months, we also held an ASCB session reimagining peer review in light of preprints, and a panel and dinner at FORCE11 considering the future of preprints.
- Popular preprint servers face closure because of money troubles (Nature News) (2020-02-13)
- Nature offers authors option to publish peer review (2020-02-05)
- IEEE launches TechRxiv (2020-01-29)
- ScienceOpen enters strategic partnership with AfricArXiv (2020-01-27)
- ScholCommLab project update: challenges of working with preprint metadata (2020-01-13)
- Research funded by Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s (ASAP) must be posted as a preprint at the time of journal submission (2020-01-01)
Preprint resources
Are you giving a talk about preprints, peer review or transparency in science? You can browse and reuse slide decks we’ve presented before and watch talk recordings from our resources page.
Until next time,
Jessica Polka
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