Preprints provide a great avenue for researchers to get feedback on their work from the community. This type of community feedback is particularly valuable when gathered on early preprints, that is, on manuscripts that are still work-in-progress, prior to their submission for journal publication. The feedback from the community can allow authors to get a sense of what parts of the work are particularly appreciated by their peers, what can be improved in the write up of the research, and give them ideas for further experiments or lines of research.
To highlight the value of sharing early work via preprints and the benefits of community feedback, ASAPbio and PREreview are partnering to host live-streamed preprint journal clubs for early preprints (the event will follow the format of PREreview Live-streamed preprint journal clubs as described here). During the journal club, participants will discuss the preprint with a focus on highlighting the positive aspects of the work and on offering constructive suggestions for next steps for the study. After the collaborative discussion, we will post a summary of the discussion on PREreview’s platform for preprint reviews. The review will therefore receive a digital object identifier (DOI), and participants will have the option to be recognized for their contribution.
We invite authors of early preprints who would like feedback on their work to submit their work for discussion at one of these journal clubs.
This is a pilot collaboration with a limited number of events planned (~6 over the course of 6 months). Your submission will be considered for this pilot according to the following criteria:
What do we mean by a preprint in progress?
By a preprint in progress or an early preprint, we refer to preprints that have not been submitted to a journal, that is, preprints that the authors are still working on and where they will be able to consider and/or incorporate the feedback prior to journal publication.
We will consider preprints in any life-science discipline, in English, Spanish or French. The preprints may be available on a preprint server or an open repository (e.g., Zenodo).
Preliminary studies are encouraged and there is no minimum length required, but the manuscript must contain a full description of the work, i.e., abstract, rationale, and methodological information.
Submit your preprint in progress to ASAPbio-PREreview live-streamed preprint journal club
If you have posted an early preprint or are planning to post one shortly, you can propose it for discussion at the journal club by completing this brief form. We hope that you or a co-author will be willing to join the journal club to discuss your work with attendees, please indicate in the form if one of the authors can attend the session.
The first journal club will take place in the second half of February, so we encourage submissions within the next two weeks but we will continue to consider proposals for future journal clubs so we invite submissions at any point in the next weeks.
Interested in participating as an attendee?
If you are interested in joining the journal club discussion as an attendee, please register your interest via this form or email us at or, and we will contact you with further details about the first journal club session.