Interested in honing your peer review skills while providing valuable feedback to preprint authors? Then join one of our preprint review crowds!
Following our two previous cycles of preprint review activities, we are thrilled to announce that ASAPbio will host more crowd preprint review activities in 2023. This year our crowd preprint review activities will include several groups that will provide feedback on preprints in the following areas:
- Molecular, cellular and computational neurobiology: focus on neurodevelopment and neurodegeneration in addition to computational, theoretical and data-driven approaches in understanding brain function.
- Cancer biology: Biochemical, molecular and cellular studies in relation to cancer
- Meta-research: Practices, policies & infrastructure on open science and scholarship e.g. preprints, open access, open education, research impact
- New! Metabolism: Regulation of metabolic homeostasis and pathophysiology of metabolic diseases, from cell biology to integrative physiology
Each of the crowd will be led by ASAPbio Fellows, who will circulate preprints for input by a group of researchers interested in contributing feedback (‘the crowd’). Each crowd will review a new preprint every two weeks. Preprints will be circulated to the group; crowd members can then comment on the full paper or parts of the study. Commenting will take place via a private collaborative Google document. After the 14-day commenting period, the leads will create a synthesis of the comments for public posting on PREreview; this will also be added to Sciety, the aggregator of preprint evaluations. You can read more about crowd preprint review and how we will interact with crowd reviewers at
The activities will start in June and run for the remainder of 2023. We hope that this format will encourage broad participation in preprint feedback, particularly by early career researchers who are often underrepresented in journal review.
Get involved
Join our crowd preprint review activities to develop your reviewing skills and help us build trust in preprints. We invite cell biologists, neuroscientists, cancer biologists and meta-researchers to sign up for participation as crowd preprint reviewers.
2023 crowd leads
This year each crowd will be led by our 2023 ASAPbio Fellows.
Molecular, cellular & computational neurobiology
Cancer biology
Read more about our crowd preprint review and check for updates at