When we first launched our Preprint FAQ in 2016, the biology preprint landscape looked dramatically different from its present form, both in terms of its usage and prominence among researchers as well as its integration into scholarly communication workflows. While we’ve made periodic updates, the whole package was due for a refresh.
We’ve been honored to work with a group of attendees of #bioPreprints2020 to thoroughly revise the FAQ, both revisiting existing questions and adding new ones (including, for example, questions about patents, double blind review, setting journal policy on preprints, and a checklist for submitting preprints). If you haven’t visited in a while, check it out and let us know (by emailing jessica.polka@asapbio.org) what’s missing!
Thanks to Oya Rieger, Alex Mendonça, Emily Marchant, Iratxe Puebla, John Inglis, Martyn Rittman, Mate Palfy, Sowmya Swaminathan, Alice Meadows, Katie Funk, and Allison Leung for input into this revision.