What is your current role? Tell us a bit about your research/your work
I am a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Prof. Jack Szostak at Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School. I am broadly interested in the molecular mechanisms of RNA in a prebiotic environment. In my research, I use computational simulations to understand the structural aspects of RNA during non-enzymatic copying.
What are you excited about in science communication?
I am excited about communication among scientists who come from different research fields and from diverse cultural and social backgrounds. I believe that with research teams becoming more interdisciplinary, as scientists we need to be aware of research in many different areas and the societal implications of our research. I am also passionate about science outreach with the general public and school students in order to raise awareness about STEM careers and life as a scientist.
Why did you choose to participate in the ASAPbio Fellow program?
My goal in joining the ASAPbio Fellows program is to engage in changing the current scientific publishing landscape for the scientific community at large.
Ask me about..
Open reviews, bias in peer-review, preprints, or being an international researcher in the USA.