What is your current role? Tell us a bit about your research
I am currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, NH. My research interest primarily focusses on ‘how various behavior arises?’ using Drosophila as a model organism, my study aims to discover the novel, conserved biological underpinnings of various behaviors. I hold a PhD in neuroscience from National Center for Biological Sciences, Bangalore.
What are you excited about in science communication?
Science communication is a tool for disseminating ones’ research and an important skill to develop for an early-career researcher. In addition to developing communication skills, I am excited about promoting FAIR data principles.
Why did you choose to participate in the ASAPbio Fellow program?
The ASAPbio Fellows program offers a unique platform for me to learn about preprinting, understand the barriers of open access and changing landscapes of science publication, improve scientific communication, involve in career development activities, and connect with the scientific community. Further, working with a peer-group, I will be committed to open, accessible, and collaborative science communication.
Ask me about...
…behavioral neuroscience, hiking (NH 4000 footers), gardening, and parenting