What is your current role? Tell us a bit about your research

Currently I am a postdoctoral researcher in University of Bern (in my 3rd year now). I am working on the regulation of oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) in zebrafish model. We basically work in a collaboration with 3 other labs (in Spain, Germany and USA), trying to understand if there is an allelic specific regulation of nuclear encoded OXPHOS subunits.

Apart from lab work, I also supervise a Master student, and help professors with teaching at the institute (though now with COVID-19 it has been reduced to minimal and mainly takes place online).

What are you excited about in science communication?

There are two aspects that interest me a lot within science communication. First, how to make scientific knowledge more accessible and understandable to general public, and how to increase public’s trust in scientists. Next one, how to make a publication system more fair, efficient, and accessible to society that paid for it.

Why did you choose to participate in the ASAPbio Fellow program?

In hope to meet like-minded people and to see if we can somehow improve the publishing process.

Ask me about…

Anything really. I am a huge fan of cooking and Korean cuisine, healthy living. Interested in environmental issues.

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