What is your current role? Tell us a bit about your work
I am an independent freelance consultant in scholarly communications and an open science advocate. I was most recently a member of the team running Europe PMC, before that a journal editor at PLOS for 10 years and initially a postdoc in developmental biology.
What are you excited about in science communication?
I am excited about publishing innovations like preprints, about promoting effective communication of research throughout the research cycle (not just at the end), and about ensuring the trusted components of scholarly research are findable and linked up in the research ecosystem by using persistent identifiers.
Why did you choose to participate in the ASAPbio Fellow program?
For one, I want to promote the cool elements of preprints such as the ability to make research results public early and as soon as authors feel they’re ready, opening research results to scrutiny by the entire science community, and allowing authors to reap early kudos for work they’ve done.
Ask me about…
Ask me about careers in science or about my new lockdown hobby – crocheting amigurumi creatures (from tapirs to aliens!)