What is your current role? Tell us a bit about your research
I am a PhD student at the lab of Nic Tapon in the Francis Crick Institute in London. In Nic’s lab we are interested in understanding how growth is controlled during development to give rise to reproducible sizes and patters, but also in a way that allows adaptation in the face of adverse conditions during development. For my project, I apply transcriptomics at different stages of development of the Drosophila abdomen, aiming to understand how gene expression changes lead to growth arrest in this tissue.
What are you excited about in science communication?
As a scientist myself, sometimes I am surprised by how, although we all seek to try new approaches and establish new concepts in our fields, we remain hesitant to change up the way we communicate science. I am excited to see how efforts such as preprints, online communities and social media, and the wider adoption of open access will shape science communication in the next few years. I am also very interested in engaging with the wider public, especially young people and students.
Why did you choose to participate in the ASAPbio Fellows program?
I am looking forward to a more accessible academic and science communication environment and I think the ASAPbio Fellows programme will give me the tools to be part of this transition. I am also very excited to interact with scientists from different disciplines, institutes, and research cultures. Given the wide range of participants, I am sure there will be all new successes to learn from and problems to understand.
Ask me about…
Etymology, evolution and dancing!