The PubPeer Foundation, represented by Brandon Stell and Boris Barbour
Website or social media links
Current stage of development
Ongoing project
Project duration
How has your project changed?
No changes.
Have you integrated any feedback received?
We received a useful suggestion to provide case studies for specific Peeriodicals applications to reduce any confusion arising from the flexibility of the platform. However, this has not yet been implemented.
Have you started any collaborations?
We made contact with the Novel Coronavirus Research Consortium to see if Peeriodicals (or the backing PubPeer database) could help disseminate the NCRC reviews; this is under discussion. The BIMS project have made contact about a possible collaboration and a discussion is being set up.
Project aims
Background information on current practices
There is widespread agreement that fashions imposed by the publishing industry have diverged from well established criteria of scientific quality. Peeriodicals offers a flexible platform for individual (or groups of) scientists to experiment with different forms of overlay or virtual journals, aiming to supplement if not replace the traditional journal functions of discovery and evaluation; in peeriodicals any publication (preprint or traditional article, new or old) can be showcased and analysed. An excellent example of an individual peeriodical is
Overview of the challenge to overcome
The technology exists, but uptake is slow. Significant barriers appear to include building up an audience for a peeriodical and the effort required to provide or procure useful analysis. The same barriers are likely to apply to other existing and future initiatives.
The ideal outcome or output of the project
Increased uptake and experimentation with the platform by scientists, both as producers and consumers of analysis.
Description of the intervention
Publicity for the platform. Support from the scientific establishment would encourage participation from the research community.
Plan for monitoring project outcome
Publicity for the platform. Support from the scientific establishment would encourage participation from the research community.
What’s needed for success
Additional technology development
Feedback, beta testing, collaboration, endorsement
All of the above would be welcomed.
None requested.