Prepare your manuscript as carefully as you would for a journal submission, if not more so. In bioRxiv, all versions submitted are retained and can be viewed.
Unlike a journal submission, which will be seen by only two or three anonymous peer reviewers, your posted preprint is public and the scientific community will be able to judge your work immediately. Thus, be sure that your preprint meets the benchmarks of rigor and quality that you aspire for yourself or your laboratory. A well-constructed preprint will help to build your scientific reputation. In contrast, a hastily submitted preprint with scientific errors (or even grammatical mistakes) might be detrimental. An editor and the peer reviewers can help to correct mistakes as part of the services of journal submission; however, for a preprint, the burden of quality control belongs to authors. We recommend that the submitting authors perform a rigorous internal review process, which can involve lab members or scientists outside of your lab.
Also ensure that the author list provides appropriate credit to contributors, as you would for a journal article or meeting abstract submission.