Design a clear and comprehensive preprint policy and include it in the Instructions to Authors. You may want to consider elements such as:
- What version of the manuscript can be posted? First submitted, after peer review, all versions (including postprints), etc?
- What licenses on preprints are supported?
- Can preprints be cited in the reference list?
- Are authors free to post on any server?
- What type of media coverage of the preprint can or should authors engage with?
- Do you wish to offer any scoop protection policy, such as is offered by EMBO Press, eLife, and PLOS Biology?
For sample preprint policies, see eLife, PLOS, and Nature Research.
Ideally, collect preprint information (such as the DOI or other identifier) upon manuscript submission. Consider technological integrations with preprint servers to facilitate manuscript transfer (eg B2J and/or J2B for bioRxiv and medRxiv, SWORD protocol to link to PKP’s OPS, etc).