''What type of preprint do you have?''
Select the preprint type from the list below to discover the potential best destinations for your work. Note that not all preprint destinations are included and the suggested destination is highlighted with an asterisk (*).
[[Negative or contradictory data]] - Data and experiments that contradict published results or do not support the hypothesis
[[Confirmatory data]] - Data and experiments that confirm other published data. Could be a replication study or single/limited experiments
[[Short dataset]] - 1-2 figures with few panels in each figure or preprints consisting of a single table of data. May be early, iterative, preprints
[[Literature Review]] - Longer article often not containing any data but summarising and collating the current landscape on a given topic
[[Protocols]] - An article focussed on methods or experimental/computational procedures. May or may not be related to a manuscript and can be written in multiple styles
[[Poster]] - Work that is presented during conferences as a study findings in a summarized but standardized format. May be limited results or the beginning elements to a project
[[Iterative (early) preprint]] - Work that is shared early in the research cycle with the intention of incrementally updating and seeking feedback. Can include student or “unfinished” projects
[[Country-specific data]] - Research conducted in a specific language or country or research focussed on country-specific issues
[[Traditional style journal article]] - The current primary output of research projects. Consisting of an introduction, methods, multiple figures and tables and a discussion
[[Citizen science ]] - Research conducted by “non-professional” scientists often involving a larger crowd of citizen scientists collating data
[[Letters to editor / Editorial / Rebuttal]] - A written Article expressing the opinions/views of authors around a particular topic with evidence drawn from articles or documents.
[[Opinion / Commentary]] - Articles often containing personal opinions and lacking (new) data. May be focused on driving conversation on a particular given topic.
[[Case report]] - Detailed report of the symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of an individual patient.
[[Theses & Dissertations]] - Written article in partial fulfillment of academic graduation requirements.
[[Preregistered report]] - Article specifying a proposed research plan
[[Field specific articles]] - Articles focus on a particular topic and domain such as epidemiology
[[Grant proposals]] - Proposal to obtain research resources
[[Non-English language preprint]] - Any preprint not written in English
(text-colour:black)+(bg:white)[Your Text Here][[biorXiv]]/ [[medRxiv]] - Dedicated section to contradictory results.
Same preprint server as original results* - It may be most beneficial to share contradictory results on the same preprint server as the original data
Funder repositories - Some funders have dedicated repositories for publishing negative data
[[biorXiv]]/ [[medRxiv]] - Dedicated section to confirmatory results
Same preprint server as original results* - It may be most beneficial to share confirmatory results on the same preprint server as the original data
[[biorXiv]]/ [[medRxiv]]- Excellent mechanism for updating preprints should the work develop into an iterative preprint. Great for visibility of research.
[[OSF]] - Popular server for literature reviews
[[Zenodo]] - Allows wide range of article types
[[biorXiv]] - Only applicable if written with new data in a manuscript style
[[Zenodo]] - Allow posting of broader article types and formats. Could also include video of a protocol/method
[[protocols.io]]* - Designed specifically for openly sharing protocols
[[biorXiv]]/ [[medRxiv]]- Posters that are formatted as preprints can be submitted
[[OSF]] - Allow posting of broader article types
[[Zenodo]]* - Allow posting of broader article types and formats. Could post poster directly rather than re-write into an article
[[biorXiv]]/ [[medRxiv]]* - Excellent mechanism for updating articles and viewing previous versions & Visibility
[[OSF]] - Allow posting of broader article types than bioRxiv/medRxiv
[[Africaarxiv]] - Africa related research
[[Jxiv]] - Japan related research
[[ChinaXiv]] - China related research
[[IndiaRxiv]] - India related research
[[SciELO Preprints]]- Spanish/Portuguese language preprints
[[biorXiv]]/ [[medRxiv]] or [[OSF]] - If no-country specific server exists
[[biorXiv]]/ [[medRxiv]]* - Visibility, journal-agnostic, recognition. This is our recommended general preprint server for life sciences as it is not publisher-owned.
[[Research Square]] - If the intended journal is Springer-Nature owned
[[SSRN]] - If the intended journal is Elsevier owned
[[OSF]] - Allows posting of broader article types than bioRxiv/medRxiv
[[biorXiv]]/ [[medRxiv]] - Visibility, journal-agnostic,recognition
[[OSF]] - Usually not accepted on other repositories
[[Zenodo]] - Allow posting of broader article types and formats. National archives - Often provide a thesis category
University repositories* - Easy metadata storage for supervisors and partners
Thesis Commons - Specialized repository for theses work but does not provide useful metadata fields.
[[OSF]] - Usually not accepted on other repositories
[[OSF]] - Usually not accepted on other repositories
[[Zenodo]] - Allow posting of broader article types and formats.
[[biorXiv]]/ [[medRxiv]]* - Dedicated section for such articles
[[OSF]] - No strong constraints on field of research
MitoFit Preprint Archives - Mitochondrial physiology and bioenergetics preprints
[[EcoEvoRxiv]] - Preprints related to ecology, evolution and conservation. Preprints can be written in English, Spanish or Portuguese
[[BioHackrXiv]] - Preprints from hackathons, codefests or similar events related to Life Sciences and Health Care domains
[[SSOAR]] - Social sciences related preprints written in English or German
[[PsyArXiv]] - Psychology related preprints
Funder repositories - Do not make sense or are not accepted on other repositories.
[[Africaarxiv]] - Africa related research
[[Jxiv]] - Japan related research
[[ChinaXiv]] - China related research
[[IndiaRxiv]] - India related research
[[SciELO Preprints]]- Spanish/Portuguese language preprints
(open-url: "https://www.biorxiv.org/")(open-url: "https://www.medrxiv.org/")
(open-url: "https://osf.io/")
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