If you know of additional university policies on the use of preprints in hiring and promotion, please contact us.
More instances of open science in hiring & promotion more generally can be found in OSF projects by David Mellor and Felix Schönbrodt.
Table of contents
PhD graduation requirements
Doctoral program recognition for preprints recommended by Peer Community In
The following Doctoral schools have stated that preprints recommended by a PCI are considered the same value as articles of good quality published in journals:
ED ABIES – Univ. Saclay, France
ED E2M2 – Univ Lyon, France
ED Écologie, Géosciences, Agronomie, ALimentation – Univ. Rennes, France
ED Energie et Environnement – Univ. Perpignan, France
ED Environnements-Santé – Univ. Bourgogne Franche-Comté, France
ED Gaïa – Univ Montpellier, France
ED Science de l’Environnement – Univ Aix Marseille, France
ED Sciences de la Mer et du Littoral – Univ. Brest, Nantes, , France
ED Sciences de la Nature et de l’Homme : écologie & évolution – MNHN, France
ED Sciences de la Vie et de la Santé – Univ. Nice, France
ED Sciences du végétal : du gène à l’écosystème – Univ. Orsay, France
ED Sciences Exactes et Applications – Univ. de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, France
ED Sciences, Technologies et Santé – Univ. La Réunion, France
ED SEVAB – Univ. Toulouse, France
ED SMRE – Univ. Lille, France
ED SVSAE – Univ. Clermont Auvergne, France
ED Structure et Dynamique des Systèmes Vivants – Univ. Saclay, France
ED Theodore Monod – Univ Poitiers, France
via Thomas Guillemaud & Denis Bourguet
Faculty hiring
The Francis Crick Institute (UK)
The Crick Institute website states that they support their commitment to making all research freely available by “Accepting preprints as citations in employment applications and group leader reviews, in recognition of the value of preprints in accelerating dissemination of research results.”
This ad for a faculty position in the Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences department at the University of California, San Francisco notes, where the CV is mentioned, that “we encourage listing of publications on preprint servers with a DOI.”

UT Austin (USA)
This ad for a 2017 tenure-track faculty search asks applicants to send in “up to 5 reprints/preprints.”

The Rockefeller University (USA)
In a 2016 fall faculty candidate advertisement, candidates were prompted to submit “Relevant Publications or Submitted Manuscripts/Pre-prints”
click to enlarge

via Stephen Floor
The trend continues in 2018.

via Leslie Vosshall
University of California, Santa Cruz (USA)
The ad for a 2016 opening in the Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental biology department called for “a list of published manuscripts and pre-prints (no “in preparation”)”

via Needhi Bhalla
Tenure and promotion
UVA School of Data Science
“Tenure in SDS requires a commitment to open scholarship. Evidence of that openness comes
in the form of observed degree of collaboration, data and software availability, publishing in open access
journals, the use of preprints, the presence of an ORCID and Google Scholar profile and other evidence.”
The Francis Crick Institute (UK)
The Crick Institute website states that they support their commitment to making all research freely available by “Accepting preprints as citations in employment applications and group leader reviews, in recognition of the value of preprints in accelerating dissemination of research results.”
Kansas City University
Preprints are acknowledged as a scholarly output in the faculty handbook, as of 2020. Courtesy Abdulbaki Agbas.

UFRGS (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
A 2020-01-09 statement from the Dean of UFRGS Research encourages the use of preprints and their inclusion in projects, work plans, and activity reports.
UC Davis (USA)
A “preprints” category in the online faculty achievements database was announced in an email to faculty.
NYU School of Medicine (USA)
Under “Tenure Eligible Track:” Candidate should submit “5-7 recent representative papers, preprints or articles in press”
click to enlarge

Journal license negotiation
University of California Academic Senate University Committee on Library and Scholarly Communication (USA)
On April 13, 2018, The University of California Academic Senate University Committee on Library and Scholarly Communication (UCOLASC) endorsed 18 principles that should be taken into account when the University of California negotiates with publishers for journal licenses. Number two is:
“No restrictions on preprints. Our authors shall have the right to submit for publication work they have previously made available as preprints.”
via Stuart Taylor