If you have any news relevant to ASAP – a change in journal policies, a local event (even in the early stages of organization), a new article, etc, please leave a comment below.
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If you have any news relevant to ASAP – a change in journal policies, a local event (even in the early stages of organization), a new article, etc, please leave a comment below.
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I have started a site, Cell Biology Direct, to highlight Cell Biology preprints (inspired by the Neuroscience site https://idealobserverblog.wordpress.com) and collect comments and reviews for these preprints across preprint servers. You can email me directly pavasthi at kumc dot edu if you’d like me to post a comment/review or also contact me if you’d like to become a regular contributor with direct access to post. There is not much activity yet, but hopefully advertisement here and elsewhere will promote usage. Posts are automatically tweeted by @cellbiodirect.
Link: https://cellbiodirect.wordpress.com
The Science Policy Group at UCSF is excited to be co-hosting the first UCSF Town Hall meeting to discuss preprints. If you are in the Bay area, please join us either Thursday at 4pm in HSW300 (Parnassus) or Monday 25th April at noon in Byers/GH Auditorium (Mission Bay).
Wonderful information!1 Thanks for sharing these information in this post.
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